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The Away From Home Ministry would like to keep in touch with parishioners who

 are away.  If someone in your family is away because of school, military, work,

or incarceration, please stop by the Hospitality Table or call the Parish Office to

 fill out a form.  We need the name, address, telephone number, e-mail address

and birth date.  We want them to know that they are loved and missed by their church







Thanks to everyone who purchased raffle tickets or made donations for the School

October Fest and a special congratulations to the raffle winners:  Alvin Barrios

and Janice Williams.






My name is Lydia Bolden and I teach RCIC-B.  I team teach RCIC in room number

 10.  I have been teaching for 5 years and I am a mother of 2 and grandmother of 4. 

 I usually attend the 5pm mass �Go into the whole and proclaim the good news.� 

 (Mark 16:15).  I work with the RCIC program and CCD because it affords me the

opportunity to impact the spiritual development of children.  The process helps

me to grow spiritually and deepens my faith in God.  It is a great feeling when the

candidates and catechumens develop an awareness and understanding of the Bible. 

 It is amazing when they begin recognizing God�s graces and blessings in their lives,

families and communities.  When the children express their faith in God the creator,

it is a joyful experience to hear them proclaiming  My goal for the RCIC class this

 year is that the candidates and catechumens will grow in wisdom to make the

right choices (behavioral changes) as they grow spiritually.

This weekend we will be distributing the parish raffle tickets before and after each

 mass.  The drawing will be on November 16, 2003 at the Sweet Sale Fundraiser. 

Three prizes will be awarded:  First prize - $1,000; Second prize - $500; and

Third prize - $250.We are asking each family to sell a minimum of 25 raffle tickets. 

Additional tickets can be obtained from the Parish Office.  We have 25,000 tickets to

sell.  If we sell all our tickets, the parish can net $23,250.00.  Please turn in the ticket

stubs with your donation to the Parish Office or you may place them in an envelope and

drop it in the offertory collection.  On the weekend of November 8th and 9th there will

 be sign up sheets for donations to the Sweet Sale.  Please start thinking of the

 item/items you would like to donate.  If everyone makes a donation our profit will

be 100%.  We will also be selling St. Joseph the Worker License Plates for $10.00

as part of this fundraiser.






Congratulations to Edward McNeal Favorite, II., son of Mr. Preston J. Favorite

and Ms. Carmelitta G. Favorite.  He was the only National Achievement Semi-Finalist

representing Jesuit at the 2003 National Merit Scholarship Competition.  Keep up the

good work Neal!







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