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IMPACT Youth Group Calendar of Events 2003





Friday, May 3rd


S.J.W. Feast of the 12 Tables

At the Amvets Hall on 4th St. in Westwego, LA

Time:  6:00 pm to 10:00 pm


All the good eats you can imagine!  Table theme:  "The Month of June"


Tickets are $10.00 per person

Contact:  Amanda Lomonaco & Mrs. Kathleen Payadue



Friday, May 9th

IMPACT Evening Event

At SJW Church Meeting Room

Theme "Freedom - What Does It Mean To You?"


Meet at SJW at 6:30 pm

Parents pick up at 8:30 pm


Contact:  Chris Boudy




Saturday, May 31st


SJW Youth Ministry Fun Day at S.J.W.

Time 10:00 a.m. - Noon



(A wild and wonderful event for all S.J.W. Youth groups including: Children's Ministry, 

Venture, IMPACT, Children's Choir, Youth Choir & Unity)


Wear play clothes and gym shoes


$2.00 per person

Snacks will be served


Contact:  Megan Payadue, India Favorite, & April Johnson






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