St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church  
455 Ames Blvd, Marrero Louisiana 70072 Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 504-347-8438




New & Events

General Info

Weekly Bulletin

Parish Calendar

Liturgical Schedule


Pastor's Note


Find Us

Mission Statement
According to the congregation, St. Joseph the Worker is a multi-racial parish:

Where we acknowledge that we are children of one God and brothers and sisters in Christ called to live in unity and peace,

Whose being is centered in loving God and others especially in the celebration of the Eucharist, which is the sign of our unity in Christ,

Whose love, rooted in Christ, is expressed in our commitment to alleviate human suffering wherever it is found, and in our concern for justice for all people of the world especially the poor, the sick, the elderly, the youth and the oppressed

.Whose love is inclusive, welcoming all, respecting all and making our parish a sign of the unity to which the Spirit calls the church and the world.


Welcome to St. Joseph the Worker Church website. This website will be used to keep you u-date on events and activities as they occur. We hope you find everything you need, if not please feel free to call the parish office to report any concerns.
Upcoming Events
Church History

"Be it known, that on this seventh day of the month of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six.... This corporation shall be known, designated, and styled, 'Congregation of St. Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church..." ...more

Church Ministries
The best way to demonstrate God's love to each other, our neighbors and the world is through service. At St. Joseph the Worker we have many opportunities for you to utilize your gifts, whether it's greeting worshipers, singing with one of the choirs, welcoming new visitors, teaching the word of God to children, or working with the food bank, whatever your interest, we have a place for you! ...more
General Info
Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm
Sunday Mass 10:00am
Daily Mass: Mon - Thu
Friday - No Daily Mass
Parish Fax  504-340-9538
Mass Intentions



SJW School

After hurricane Katrina St. Joseph the Worker School closed. For further information please call the parish office.

This Week In Pictures



Scripture Readings


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St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church - Copyright 2005