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School's 2003 Calendar




Month of January

Monday  6th

Classes Resume

Mon. - Wed.  13th - 15th

Second Nine Weeks Exams

Fri.  17th

Records Day/Professional Development/NO SCHOOL

Mon.  20th

M.L. King Day / No Classes

Tues.  21st

Third Nine Weeks Begin

Thrus.  23rd

Report Cards send home w/ students

Mon. - Fri.  27th - 31st

Catholic School Week/ Registration for Returning Students




Month of February

Mon.  17th

Interim Reports Issued

Thurs.  27th

Family Literacy Night

Fri.  28th

Student/Teacher Conferences (NO SCHOOL) Principal's Advisory 

12 - 1:00 p.m.  Church Mtg. Room




Month of March

Mon. - Wed.  3rd, 4th, & 5th

Mardi Gras Holidays/(NO SCHOOL)

Wed.  5th

Ash Wednesday

Fri.  14th

Way of the Cross (2:00 p.m.)

Fri.  14th

St. Joseph's Altar/Liturgy

Mon. - Thrus  24th -27th

Third Nine Weeks Exams

Mon.  31st

Easter Holiday




Month of April

Fri.  4th

Report Cards Issued

Mon. - Fri.  7th - 11th

S.A.T. Testing

Wed.  23rd

Secretaries Day

Tues.  29th 

Easter Liturgy




Month of May

Fri.  2nd

Interim Reports

Mon. - Thrus.  19th - 22nd

Final Exams

Fri.  23rd

Eight Grade Banquet

Tues.  27th

Eight Grade Graduation

Wed.  28th

Kindergarten Graduation  10:00 a.m.

Fri.  30th

Last of Day of School 1/2 Day/Closing School Liturgy




Month of June

Mon.  2nd

Records Day

Tues.  3rd

Last Day for Teachers/Closing Prayer Service for Teachers









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