This group meets briefly with the Pastor after daily Mass on Thursday morning to share and discuss reflections on the homily from the previous weekend, and share insights on the readings for the upcoming weekend.
For additional information, contact Fr. Gene Jacques through the Parish Office.
CCD provides instruction in the Catholic faith to the children of our parish and prepares them to receive the sacraments. The CCD team consists of teachers, teacher-aides and professionals who volunteer their time and talent to provide instruction.
The CCD program meets on Wednesdays from 6:45pm to 8:00pm weekly beginning in mid-September until the end of April. Children of school age, who are not yet baptized or have been baptized in another faith, may be received into the Catholic Church through the CCD program.
When signing up for this ministry, please indicate on the commitment form the position you would like to hold. Members of this ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For additional information, contact the Pastor or Vickie Mayfield through the Parish Office.
Bible Study is an important part of our spiritual development. Through reading The Word, interpretation, and discussing its application, participants grow in their understanding of what God expects from each of us, leading to a stronger faith.
A new format for instruction and study is being assessed for this ministry. If you are interested in helping to restructure the format of this ministry, please contact the Pastor through the Parish Office.