This group ministers to families who have lost a loved one by helping the family plan the funeral, praying the Rosary at the visitation or before the funeral liturgy, attending and participating in the funeral Mass, and praying for and with the deceased person’s family.
To volunteer, or for more information, contact Ursula Allen through the Parish Office.
This ministry addresses the health concerns of our parishioners. Members provide blood pressure screening on the first weekend of every month after Mass. They distribute valuable information on medical issues and topics, and sponsor health related events. This ministry is not only open to healthcare professionals, but also to anyone interested in the physical and mental well-being of our parishioners.
Members of the Health Ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For additional information, contact Deborah Nettles through the Parish Office.
Ministry participants reach out to the poor and needy of the church parish and community in various ways. Volunteers:
· Distribute food and clothing to those in need, and maintain a food pantry and clothing bank.
· Pick up food from Second Harvest and local grocery stores, prepare and serve meals at Ozanam Inn Soup Kitchen twice a year.
· Assemble and distribute Thanksgiving Baskets
· Distribute gift bags to parishioners who are senior citizens, sick, and shut-in (Christmas in July)
· Organize an annual fundraiser to help support ministry efforts (Valentine’s Day Raffle and Bake Sale)
For more information, or to participate, contact Deborah Turner or Lydia Bolden through the Parish Office.
Members of this ministry visit homebound parishioners and those in nursing homes and hospitals. They pray for and with the sick and infirmed, and deliver Holy Communion. These visits provide an opportunity for prayer and social interaction.
For more information, or to participate, contact Ursula Allen through the Parish Office.
The Bereavement Ministry provides spiritual and emotional support to our families who are grieving the death of a loved one. It is our commitment as ministers to develop a community of faith through prayer, Christian fellowship, and service. We believe in God’s promise that He will never leave us alone, therefore, we allow Him to lead and guide us. We contact the bereaved families by phone, mail, and/or visitation, and support them at the Memorial Mass. Counselors are available to this ministry when counseling and/or referral services are needed. The Pastor participates and is available for spiritual guidance.
For additional information, contact Rosalind Barnett or Lois Thibodaux through the Parish Office.