This ministry assists the office staff by placing inserts in the parish bulletin. This ministry meets when needed in the church’s cry room on Fridays at 10am until finished.
For more information, or to participate, contact Jenny Richard through the Parish Office.
Office support workers help with the everyday functioning of the Parish Office. They normally assist with a variety of clerical tasks; including specific monitoring and database entering responsibilities which may be assigned at the pastor’s discretion. Responsibilities may include filing, preparation and copying of documents, taking messages and operating office equipment like copiers, scanners, and fax machines.
For more information, or to participate, contact the secretary at the Parish Office.
Members of the Prayer Ministry are asked to spend time daily in intercessory prayer to God on behalf of another. They act as mediators, joining in prayer with the person or persons who have made the prayer request. Members receive prayer requests by email or phone tree when submitted to the Ministry, then lift up others in daily prayer.
For more information, contact Ron and Jan Schulte through the Parish Office.
The purpose of this ministry is to educate parishioners about respect for life issues and demonstrate our parish’s respect for life from conception to natural death. Areas of serious concern among members include:
· Increasing knowledge about respect for life issues such as abortion, euthanasia, natural family planning, domestic violence, human trafficking, environmental justice, social justice, and the death penalty.
· Educating teens about procreation, abstinence, and bullying
For more information, or to participate, contact Brenda Williams through the Parish Office.
The St. Joseph Altar started in Italy after a famine hit the region. The locals prayed to St. Joseph and the fava bean harvest saved the community from starvation. To show their gratitude, they prepared a table with an assortment of special foods they had harvested.
The St. Joseph Altar Committee (SJAC) continues in the tradition by erecting an altar each year on the anniversary of St. Joseph’s Feast Day, March 19th. The committee is responsible for all aspects of the altar; baking cookies, cooking and serving food, erecting the altar, decorating, distributing “goody bags,” dismantling the altar, and clean up. The SJAC is comprised of eight subcommittees:
1. Cookie Baking Subcommittee
2. Cooking Subcommittee
3. Designing/Decorating Subcommittee
4. Sewing Subcommittee
5. Fundraising Subcommittee
6. Collection Subcommittee (collect donations)
7. Bag Stuffing Subcommittee (cookies, medals, “lucky” beans. and prayer cards)
8. Construction Subcommittee (physical construction)
The SJAC and its subcommittees meet monthly from September to March. The ministry is open to everyone. Knowing how to bake is not a requirement.
For more information, or to join, contact Dielda Robertson through the Parish Office.
This committee plans and implements our fundraising events, such as, raffles, and bake sales. Fundraisers are held at various times throughout the year, but most often on weekends. The committee meets once a month at 6pm in the church meeting room. For more information contact Brandon Goines or Will Sims through the Parish Office.
Assists as needed with special maintenance projects, such as painting, cement work, and carpentry. Volunteers complete a skills inventory form stating the kind of work they can perform, the time of day, and days of the week they are usually available. This is not an ongoing daily or weekly ministry but one where volunteers are called as needed.
If you are willing to volunteer contact Fr. Jacques through the Parish Office.
This ministry gathers for special events, holidays, and seasons of the church year to assist with decorating the church and preparing it for liturgical celebrations. This ministry requires physical activity and night work. For more information or to volunteer contact Andrell Washington through the Parish Office.