This ministry is an integral part of worship at St. Joseph the Worker. Members are required to meet for rehearsal on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the church, and are encouraged to participate at either of the weekend Masses (4pm Saturday, or, 10am Sunday), and both when possible. The members are committed to the core values of spirituality, evangelization, leadership, ministry, fellowship, and liturgical awareness. Members must be at least 14 years old.
For more information, or to join, contact Henry E. Washington through the Parish Office.
Through dance, this ministry adds another dimension to the liturgy. It is open to parishioners ages 10 and older who possess a passion for prayerful liturgical expression through movement. The group meets, as needed, on Thursdays at 6pm, and on Saturdays from 10am to noon. This ministry participates during special parish celebrations and activities.
Members of this ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For additional information, contact Arainer Antoine through the Parish Office.
Youth ages six through 17 years are invited to participate in our Youth Chorus. This group provides music leadership on the third Sunday of each month.
Adult Moderators of this ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For more information, or to join, contact Henry E. Washington through the Parish Office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. They may also be commissioned to bring the Eucharist to the sick and shut-ins who are home-bound, in the hospital or in a nursing home. An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion must be approved by the pastor, attend an Archdiocesan workshop and a parish workshop.
When signing up for this ministry, please indicate the Mass at which you wish to serve on the commitment form. For additional information, or to join this ministry, contact the Parish Office.
The lector proclaims the Word of God or reads the intersessions and announcements during Mass. Lectors should have good diction, articulation, and reading skills. All commissioned lectors are provided with a Manual so they can devote time and preparation to understanding the Scripture reading. Anyone interested in becoming a lector must be approved by the pastor, attend an Archdiocesan workshop, and, if married, must be in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church.
When signing up for this ministry, please indicate the Mass at which you wish to serve on the commitment form.
For additional information, contact Elizabeth Johnson (Vigil Mass Captain) or Angela St. Hill (Sunday Mass Captain) through the Parish Office.
Members of this ministry facilitate order within the church by ensuring that parish policies are adhered to during the Mass. Ushers count the number of people attending Mass, seat people during services, collect offertory gifts, distribute handouts and other material, help direct people during Communion, and distribute the church bulletin as people leave Mass.
You may become an Usher beginning at the age of 12.
When signing up for this ministry, please indicate the Mass at which you wish to serve on the commitment form. Adult members of this ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For more information, or to join, contact Leroy Jackson (Vigil Mass) or Preston Favorite (Sunday Mass and special Masses) through the Parish Office.
The main role this ministry is to make everyone feel welcomed by greeting visitors and parishioners and providing assistance before and after Mass.
When signing up for this ministry, please indicate the Mass at which you wish to serve on the commitment form. Adult members of this ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For additional information, contact Will Sims (Vigil Mass) or Elvina Beevers (Sunday Mass) through the Parish Office.
These adult lay ministers accompany children (Pre K-4 through 2nd Grade) who have not completed their preparation for First Holy Communion out of the main body of the church for their own lesson on the Sunday scripture readings. This ministry takes place during our Sunday 10:00am Mass.
Adult members of this ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For additional information, contact Kathryn Rando through the Parish Office.
Adult Moderators assist in training Altar Servers and assist in the planning and implementation of Altar Server activities. Altar Servers have a vital ministry during the Mass. Their main responsibility is to assist the priest as he celebrates weekend and Holy Day of Obligation Masses. They also assist the priest at weddings, funerals and special liturgical events (Confirmation, First Communion, etc.) This ministry is open to boys and girls who have already made their First Holy Communion and who are in the third grade and beyond. Group training sessions are scheduled as needed with the opportunity for individual follow up training.
When signing up for this ministry, please indicate the Mass at which you wish to serve on the commitment form. Adult members of this ministry must attend the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Workshop and have a background check completed.
For additional information, contact Deacon Charles Allen or Lois Thibodaux through the Parish Office.
To strengthen our relationship with Christ, we must spend more time in prayer with Him. In this ministry, participants spend an hour with our Lord on the first Wednesday of each month. The times of adoration are from 9:30am to 8:00pm. To volunteer, or for additional information, contact Octavia Fennidy through the Parish Office.