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Support Ministry  |  Religious Ministry  |  Worship Ministry  |  Youth Ministry





Ministry To The Poor

The members reach our to the poor and needy of the parish and 

community in various ways: maintaining a food pantry; offering 

direct service through person to person contact helping people 

meet their immediate needs and also offering a sympathetic ear; 

coordinating and distributing Thanksgiving food baskets and a 

Christmas Giving Tree; and twice a year providing the meal at 

Ozanam Inn's soup kitchen. This ministry offers opportunities 

for a caring parishioner to become involved even if you have 

limited time available. We meet about four or five times a year 

on a weeknight.�


Ministry To The Sick

Members visit homebound parishioners and shut-ins in nursing 

facilities and hospitals. We pray with sick and bring the Holy 

Eucharist to those who desire it. These times allow the shut-ins 

to visit with a caring parishioner and "catch up" on the latest 

parish news and events. During holiday seasons, our members 

deliver food baskets. We meet about two or three times a year 

on a weeknight.


Good Shepherd Ministry

Ministers to families who have lost loved ones by helping the 

family plan the funeral, praying the rosary at the wake and the

 funeral, attending and participating in the funeral mass, providing 

a meal for the family after the funeral, and visiting and praying 

with the family after the funeral. We meet about three or four 

times a year on a weeknight.


Aids Ministry

As a team of parishioners, we provide various kinds of assistance 

and support to our care partners who have aids. Members who 

choose to be a part of the Regional Aids Interfaith Network 

(RAIN) attend training and function as a team assigned to a 

local AIDS patient.


Chiapas Task Force

Members reach our to the people of Sabanilla, Chiapas, Mexico 

(which is our sister parish). A portion of the parish tithe to the poor 

is sent to this mission parish to support the efforts of Sister Estela 

Barco in helping the Ch'ol Indians better their lives. When possible 

we try to visit each other to build our relationship in Christ. We 

meet about four times a year on a weeknight



With other area churches throughout New Orleans and the north 

shore area, we seek to live Jeremiah 29:7 which calls us to "seek 

the welfare of the city...pray on its behalf to the Lord, for in its 

welfare will you find your welfare." By establishing relationships 

and identifying common ground, we strive to ensure community 

involvement in decision-making processes that seek institutional 

change in the following areas: Neighborhood Revitalization, 

Education, Living Wage Jobs, Community Policing, and Drug 

Abuse Treatment and Prevention. "Members of our Church 

have made real differences in helping the unemployed find 

living-wage jobs, confronting and restoring environmental 

problems, and organizing a detox center for drug addicts." 

Depending on your area of interest, the different committees 

meet on various weeknights.


Health Ministry

Once a month after all the Masses, we offer blood pressure 

and blood sugar screenings coupled with health information. 

As Catholic Christian nurses and health professionals, we believe 

that "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 6:19). 

We strive to attain and maintain complete health - physical, 

spiritual, mental, and emotional - to do God's work. Our goal

 is to provide accurate, timely health screenings and education. 

We meet about three or four times a year on a weeknight.


St. Joseph Guild

This ministry offers our SENIOR CITIZENS spiritual and 

educational enrichment and Christian fellowship. The ministry

 meets once a month in the morning to hear a guest speaker on

 important senior issues like spirituality, faith sharing, social 

security, MARY, medical insurance, etc. We always have 

fellowship after the speaker, which includes fruits, sandwiches, 

coffee, and drinks. Please bring your Bible to our meetings.


Jeremiah Group

An interfaith, church-based community organizing group 

which is formed under the philosophy of the Industrial Areas 

Foundation. This group's mission is to work in collaboration 

with local churches and citizens group's in order to address the 

social and political needs of the Westbank and surrounding areas.


Souljas 4 Christ

A youth centered evangelization and service group that 

spreads Christ's message through stomp, dance, rap and 

personal testimonies. The "Souljas blend a mixture of 

coordinated drill routines, chants and cadences in this 

unique outreach ministry. Members range from age 10 to 






For more information on any of the above ministries contact the 

Parish Office Phone Number: 347-8438





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