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Eucharistic Minister

A person who assists giving Communion at Mass and who 

also may bring communion to the sick. The minister must be 

approved by the pastor, attend an Archdiocesan workshop, 

and a workshop conducted by the parish.


Lector (Reader)

A lector is one who reads either one of the scriptural readings 

at Mass or the intercessions. Lectors are required to attend 

a workshop designed for the ministry and lectors must be 

approved by the pastor.



The role of the usher is to facilitate order within the church. 

Ushers seat people, take up the collection, and look after the 

comfort of the congregation. They assist the pastor in seeing 

that the policies of the parish are carried out during mass.


Hospitality Minister

The hospitality ministry's main role is to make everyone feel 

welcomed in our church. They greet visitors, answer parishioners' 

questions and host special gatherings within the parish.


Adult Catechist For Children's Liturgy Of The Word

The Adult Catechist takes the children (grades K-4) out of the

 main body of the church for their own lesson on the scriptural 

readings for that Sunday. This ministry runs September through May.


Altar Server

Altar servers assist as Mass, Weddings, and Funerals. 

They are also asked to serve at special events. Training for 

servers takes place on designated Saturdays during the year. 

Servers must be at least in fourth grade.




For more information on any of the above ministries contact the 

Parish Office Phone Number: 347-8438






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