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Fund Raising Volunteers

These volunteers help the Fund Raising Planning Committee 

with the actual fund raising even. Some examples of fund raisers 

you might assist with are: Family Bingo, Chicken or Fish Dinner, 

Bake Sales, and Feast of Twelve Tables. Fundraisers are held at 

various times throughout the year and most often on Friday or Sunday.


Maintenance Volunteer

Volunteers are needed to assist at times with special 

maintenance projects, for example, painting, cement work, 

carpentry. Anyone signing up for this ministry will be asked 

to complete a skills survey telling us what kind of work you 

could assist with and the time of day and days of week you 

are usually available. This is not an ongoing daily or weekly 

ministry but one where volunteers are called upon when a 

particular need arises.





For more information on any of the above ministries contact the 

Parish Office Phone Number: 347-8438





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